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Year 11 Student Wins Gold at WorldSkills Regional Cooking Competition

Year 11 student, Kelsey, who is currently completing her Certificate II in Kitchen Operations (Commercial Cookery/Patisserie Pre-Apprenticeship) at TAFE, has won first place and a gold medal at the prestigious WorldSkills VETiS Commercial Cookery Competition. This achievement showcases her dedication, hard work, and passion for the culinary arts.

The Certificate II in Kitchen Operations is a hands-on course that combines both practical and theoretical training. Kelsey spends two days a week in the kitchen, honing her skills by working on different units, and on Fridays, she helps prepare lunch menus at TAFE’s training restaurant, Epicure. This experience has given her invaluable insight into the fast-paced environment of commercial kitchens.

Kelsey’s love for cooking began in her childhood, particularly in cake-making and decorating, a passion that has only grown over time. “I have always loved cooking, especially baking and decorating cakes. My mum enjoys it too, but I seem to be doing most of the cooking at home now,” Kelsey shared.

The WorldSkills competition required participants to demonstrate their culinary creativity and technical ability. “We had to come up with a warm chicken salad recipe using set ingredients and prepare profiteroles, with the option to modify the recipe slightly. I also had to fill out a workflow plan and manage precise measurements,” explained Kelsey.

Upon learning of her win in the Bunbury regional competition, Kelsey was thrilled. “I was so excited! Now, I am waiting to see if I am the overall regional Western Australian champion. If I am, I go on to compete in Perth, and the winner will then represent Western Australia at the national competition in Brisbane in 2025.”

Kelsey dreams of one day opening her own café or restaurant. “My goal is to become a chef and eventually run my own place. Winning this competition is a huge step towards achieving that dream.”


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