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The Greatest Adventures

The camp program at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar Primary School is something the School and community should be proud of.

Starting with a Kindy excursion to Apple Fun Park in Donnybrook and concluding with a Year 6 trip to Canberra the camps program is an integral part of School life.
If you are ever feeling a little low and need a boost go on the bus with twenty Kindy students to the Apple Fun Park in Donnybrook. The joyous vibe on the bus is just amazing and sets the scene for a wonderful day.

On the camps where I drive, the rule is – my music going and the students music coming back! The most popular song played for many years has been Neil Diamond and Sweet Caroline, but Europe with The Final Countdown has taken over. Hopefully something new will come along soon!


The bus ride! Apple Fun Park is a bonus after the bus.


Perth Zoo and the crocodile – “Never smile at a crocodile”!

Year 1 and 2

Bushwalk from Lefthanders car park to Ellensbrook along the Cape to Cape. Stopping for a very sizeable race horse goanna to move off the track. Sitting on the beach at Lefthanders and talking about the sensational place where we live and giving thanks for that.

Year 3

The wind at Yaegarup. Need I say more than wow! Four hats blew off into the never never. However, the joy of the sand dunes still prevailed. An amazing place.

Year 4

The echidna race. Twenty students and two teachers followed at a distance an echida walking across the open field at Dryandra. Twenty students and one teacher made the fence, and watched it waddle under the fence and go into the bush. Sadly, after my kneee surgery I had to give up and was well beat by the echidna. Animal trapping was also an absolute highlight. Peanut Butter and oatmeal can catch Woylies. Eleven were caught, recorded, weighed, measured, tagged and released.

Year 5

Sitting on the beach at night watching the flashing lights of Cockburn Sound. The stillness in a big city. Adventure activities and challenge by choice. Zip lining, wall climbing and archery were challenges for the students to take on. Their challenge, their choice!

Year 6

So many highlights. Nola Merino MP in her final months as a Paliamentarian took us down into the bowels of Parliament to her office. We saw her treadmill where she starts her day at around 5am, her wardrobe and kitchen – the not so glamourous side of Parliament. She spoke of her many passions, life in Brunswick and Harvey, and her work as the member for Forrest. Skiing at Perisher and the challenges this provides students with is awesome. All took on that challenge and reaped the rewards!

Mr Geoff Dunbar :: Primary Camp Co-ordinator


School Tours

