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Teacher Tuesday: Mr Andy Loh

Mr Andy Loh joined our School Community at the start of the year as a Secondary Maths Teacher. In his first term, he has already made an impact on his students both in and out of the classroom.

I started my teaching career in Singapore in 2002 and taught there for 12 years before moving to Bunbury. In Bunbury, I did relief teaching and contract teaching work at various schools in the area before landing a job at Grace Christian School, where I then taught for nine years. I am very privileged to now have the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful School.

I was not always a teacher, though. In fact, after I graduated, the thought of becoming a teacher never crossed my mind. However, after wandering aimlessly between jobs during the Asian Financial Crisis of the late 1990s, I came across a recruitment ad for teaching. I thought to myself, “Yeah, I could give that a go” and went on to re-train as a teacher. What followed was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and it continues to be so.

I have taught students across different cultural and socio-economic contexts. Along the way, I have met some really inspiring teachers; people I have looked at and went “That is the sort of teacher I want to be”. Teachers who could see the wood for the trees, who understood the very essence of what Maya Angelou meant when she said, “… people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I have done my best to try and emulate these wonderful teachers.

Some of the things I love about BCGS include the positivity and optimism that emanates from both staff and students. It has been a joy to come to School and be among people who have a ‘can-do’ attitude. I also love being a part of the ‘EatUp’ initiative and would like to encourage all students to come along and do something good for our local community.

I am very touched by the warm welcome that I have received from the School community and I look forward to contributing to the lives of the people I have the privilege to get to know here.


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