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Teacher Tuesday: Glynis Biggar

At the end of this year, we farewelled longstanding member of staff, Mrs Glynis Biggar. After over 22 years of remarkable service, Mrs Biggar is retiring from teaching Primary Religious Education at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School.

Mrs Biggar’s teaching career began in South Africa, where she taught for six years before immigrating to Australia. In 2000, Mrs Biggar was working at Leschenault Catholic Primary School as a Teacher Librarian, when she was invited by the Head of School at the time, Dr Bruce Matthews, to meet for an interview, “One day I got a phone call from Dr Bruce Matthews, asking if I could come in and meet with him, and he offered me a job,” said Mrs Biggar.

Throughout the year, the School holds many commemorative services to mark special events for our School community. Many of these were introduced in Primary by Mrs Biggar and over the years, some were then carried into Secondary. Mrs Biggar worked alongside all of the School Chaplains and helped to develop the School’s Eucharist service, and introducing a service specifically for Primary students. Her involvement in the School’s religious practices has had an impact on both Primary and Secondary schools.

“One of the highlights that has been special to me is introducing the Thanksgiving Eucharist to Primary and the staff service.  I noticed at the end and start of the year we did nothing special with staff and I had a discussion with the Chaplain at the time about it. Initially we introduced a candle service at the beginning of the year, that then morphed into the Baton that staff receive at the beginning of every year. Coming from the Catholic system, it symbolises ‘a beginning’ and ‘an end’ for staff members and gives meaning. Something else that I am proud of is every time we get a new Head of Primary we hold a ‘Welcome service’ for them, and I have introduced that into Secondary as well. When Mr Michael Giles arrived, we had a special service for him, and when Mr Matth­ew O‘Brien officially became the Head of Secondary Mr Giles asked if we could hold one for Mr O’Brien as well,” said Mrs Biggar. ­­

She also helped establish the Blessing of the Primary Student Leaders, “It is important that they (the Student Leaders) know it is an important role, and how seriously we take it,” stated Mrs Biggar.

Mrs Biggar has a heart for service and the world. For some time, she worked closely with Mr Dunbar to implement Round Square into Primary and was heavily involved in community outreach with Primary students. In her retirement she plans to travel to Europe, continue renovating her house and help take care of her grandchildren.

“Mrs Biggar has a passion for the Anglican Faith, but highly values the importance of other beliefs and religions, acknowledging the richness of our multi-cultural community. She has been opening the minds of her students and colleagues for many years and we wish her and her family well for the future,” said Mr Rob Whirledge, Head of Primary.


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