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Teacher Tuesday: Claire Swart

Mrs Claire Swart started her teaching journey first as a librarian. Since joining the School nine years ago, Mrs Swart has left a lasting impression on her Year 3 students with her enthusiasm and genuine care for students’ wellbeing.

You could say that my journey into teaching happened quite serendipitously. After completing a degree in Library and Information Science, I found myself working as a librarian at a local high school in South Africa. I was asked to ‘help out’ by taking a few classes in English, Debating and Arts and Culture.

After the hectic pace of working in a Law Library for many years, I found working in a school both refreshing and exhilarating. Working alongside the students was wonderful and it finally felt as though I had found my niche. My family and I immigrated to Australia 18 months later, arriving in Bunbury on a lovely Spring day in 2007.

Yearning for the teaching opportunity I had left behind in South Africa; I undertook and completed a Graduate Diploma in Education. With my new degree in my hand, I was eager to start teaching in Australia.

I worked in a number of public schools and in 2012 was offered a position as a Year 3 teacher at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School – and I have never looked back! I have always had a vested interest in this School and its success, as both a staff member and a parent. Both of my children have attended this wonderful School and have many fond memories of their time here. After nine years here, I too have many fond memories.

I have been an enthusiastic and committed netball coach for many years, coaching two of my teams to the Bunbury Netball Association grand finals. I am also involved in the Primary Round Square Program and have travelled with students both internationally and interstate on annual Conferences.

My interests have taken a decidedly more tranquil approach of late with my recent qualification as a Children’s Yoga teacher, spreading the virtues of wellbeing, positivity and mindfulness throughout the Primary School. I am a huge proponent of the principles of Positive Education and I endeavour to infuse my classroom with opportunities for success; building relationships, fostering positive emotions and ultimately encouraging my students to become the best versions of themselves.

I am immensely proud and grateful to work in this beautiful bushland school alongside talented and dedicated colleagues. I simply could not imagine working anywhere else.


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