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Teacher Highlight: Rachel Holmes

With a natural drive for creativity, Mrs Rachel Holmes has been the master behind the School’s Steel Pan Bands, Primary Productions and many other Performing Arts projects. As Mrs Holmes nears 10 years at our School, she reflects on her teaching experiences.

I was teaching Music from Kindergarten to Year 12 when the position of Primary Music Specialist came up at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School. I always knew my heart was in Primary teaching, and I could not wait to return.

Previously, I had run a children’s amateur dramatic group in the UK. We would use the school holidays to put on productions for the town.

In my first year at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School, I introduced the large style productions that we have now. The first show here was The Rocky Monster Show.

I also played in a Steel Band at university. Steel Bands are quite common in the UK, and two schools I taught at there had their own band.

When applying for the job at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School, I showed and played them music from my Primary bands. The P&F approved funds to purchase a set, which were then made in Trinidad and posted to the School!

I love the creativity my role allows. I often see a very different side to students in my classroom. Students that might struggle academically react very differently when in a Performing Arts setting.

One of the highlights for me in recent years was the 2018 Year 3 to 6 Presentation Night, based on The Greatest Showman. The students loved the dances and I still see them pulling some of the moves now. It was a definite high point to see the Year 3 to 6 students and Primary staff together in one item.

I have seen many changes at the School, but the atmosphere is still the same—with incredibly supportive staff and parents and enthusiastic students. I am lucky to teach Performing Arts to a school filled with students always so ready to give things a go.


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