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Sustainability and clever designs for a cleaner future

2023 has seen an enormous change in the way people view their responsibility toward climate change and our role as care takers for the environment. We are now witnessing the realities of our abuse of the planet and can longer ignore our duty to effect change for future generations. The globe is hurting and our job as custodians of this planet is becoming our top priority.

Year 5 students have not buried their heads in the sand and are ready, willing and able to reverse and redirect our thinking and make changes needed in the effort to save the planet.
This year they made a modest start by learning about sustainable living, looking at repurposing, recycling, efficient energy use, sustainable building practices and material use. One of the most exciting Project Based Learning activities, was the creation, design, and construction of a sustainable model home. These demonstrated their understanding of low impact, highly energy efficient building practices with the intention of reducing one’s environmental footprint generation after generation. The projects were completed using 100% recycled products.
With this type of learning we can be confident that our future environment is in very good hands.

Mr Keith Kavanagh and Mrs Kate Holdman :: Year 5 Teachers

We have an iron roof, we did not use tin, as recently I found out with my house, tin burns very quickly! We have a wind turbine here so that when it is overcast and the solar panels are not generating enough energy, we can still get the energy that we need. With it there will be a battery so that we can store the energy produced instead of it going to waste when not in use.
We have chosen not to use a chimney and instead use electric-powered heating so that we do not release any smoke or oil into the air. :: Lilly, Sullivan and Georgia

When we were planning our house, we decided that we were going to have rainwater and grey water tanks so that we could collect rain water to use in the house, then that water can be reused for grey water and water the plants. We chose to put trees on the driveway to help with air circulation and put solar panels to generate more energy. We also added a heat exchanger so that we can store some of the heat from the solar panels. :: Kobe, Harry and Jack


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