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Staff profile: Michaela Hales

Mrs Michaela Hales, who has volunteered at the School for many years, has been appointed as the Clothing Shop Manager, taking the reins from Mrs Gwenda Panizza who retired earlier this year.

“My husband and I owned an electrical business for 12 years, and before that I did real estate for eight years. I was on the School Parents & Friends’ committee for many years and handled the merchandising. While our kids went to school here, I did some volunteering with Gwenda, and it evolved from there. Gwenda was fantastic, I take my hat off to the commitment that she had, not just to the School, but to making sure that the shop is running at its best. She also managed change from a traditional uniform into a more modern design very well,” Mrs Hales stated.

As Clothing Shop Manager, Mrs Hales is dedicated to providing students with an impeccable uniform to wear every day. Mrs Hales explains the process of how the School Uniform is decided, “The Head of School and the Board decides what the uniform combination should be. As the Clothing Shop Manager, I provide samples and ideas on how to manage any changes. There is a uniform committee that are also consulted when changes are being considered,” explained Mrs Hales.

Mrs Hales talks about how the Uniform has changed over time, ”I remember as a kid, watching students get off the (Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School) bus when I grew up in Capel in the 80’s, and back then I thought it was glamorous. It is nice to have seen it evolve to become a bit more modern. I think for a long time it was more traditional. Over the last three to four years, it has moved to a more modern look which the students seem to like a bit more as well,” said Mrs Hales.

“The key is finding the happy medium of keeping the tradition, but also making sure the student’s wear the uniform properly and present well. Getting the kids to have pride in the uniform, and are happy to wear it every day, I think, will reflect through the School,” she said.

The School welcomes Mrs Hales to her new role.


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