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Staff Highlight: Susan Bancroft


Kindergarten Teacher, Mrs Susan Bancroft was invited to offer an Australian perspective on outdoor learning at a conference in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China.

With approximately 200 early learning educators in attendance, the ‘First Outdoor Education Summit’ explored practical research on Kindergarten outdoor living skills education. Mrs Susan Bancroft reflects on her experiences at the conference and the different approaches to early learning.


During the week-long conference, I had the opportunity to present on what nature play and nature pedagogy looks like at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School.

Whilst visiting China, I observed a school’s outdoor program as well as watched the children participate in activities in the forest and whilst camping.

The school playgrounds were often largely made from artificial materials and children need to travel some distance to participate in nature.

During the week, schools sought my feedback on their program and I met with small groups of educators for question and answer sessions. While at the school I was interviewed by Chinese television about nature pedagogy and my experiences in China.

We are blessed that our children have access to nature each day and that it is naturally integrated into the children’s learning. After presenting at the conference, many educators commented on how much freedom our children have.

Delegates who attended the conference are currently organising a trip to Australia to see how nature play is implemented in our teaching practices in Kindergarten at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School.

Mrs Susan Bancroft :: Kindergarten Teacher


School Tours

