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Reclaiming the win and reminiscing the course – Interhouse Cross Country 2023

The weather was perfect for this year’s Interhouse Cross Country. After last year’s light showers, the sun provided some encouragement for runners from Kindergarten to Year 12.

The course was altered this year due to the addition of the music pod, but that did not stop the runners in Redding from taking the win, albeit narrowly in front of Knight, who also won the Participation Award.

As Year 12 students, it was our seventh time running the Cross Country course and there was something very motivating in knowing that it was our last time running this race. Whilst we and all runners were encouraged and cheered on along the course, other last-time participants walked and reminisced on past Cross Countries and how the class of 2023 has changed over the years.

Congratulations to everyone who got involved, even if it was only just for the icy pole at the end. Hopefully next year more people will take on the challenge of running the course and Redding can reclaim victory again.

Neisha Mason and Ryan Horley :: Secondary Redding House Captains



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