Latest News

4 June – Primary Open Morning

Families interested in learning more about our Primary School are invited to join us for our open morning in Term 2.

Take the opportunity to meet with our staff, see our expansive primary school campus and learn more about the programs and variety of opportunities we offer.

When: Wednesday, 4 June 2025
9.00am: Meet at the Irene Bourne Centre for a Welcome and Coffee.
From 9.30am enjoy a tour of the Primary School. We will tailor the tours so parents can join early primary or upper primary groups. The Primary School Open Morning will be hosted by our Head of Primary, Mr Rob Whirledge and Deputy Heads of Primary Mr Stephen Monaghan and Mrs Larissa Marchant.

We encourage you to join us for our Primary Open Morning, to explore both our Primary School and see the excellent facilities your child will have access to.

Please register your attendance via our online form.


School Tours

