Student Support

Academic Support

The School provides students extra support in various subject areas. Support in a number of areas of the curriculum are provided either on a regular basis or when a particular need arises.

Please see below for the tutorial sessions available:

Course Students Day Time Room Teacher
English Years 7 to 12 Tuesday 3.30-4.30pm G5 Mrs Howell
English Year 11 and 12 only Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm G5 Mrs Howell
Chemistry Year 12 Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm E2  Mr Green
Mathematics Years 7 to 12 Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm Library Miss Verhaaf

School Psychologists

The School employs registered psychologists who work as part of our pastoral care team to support the wellbeing of all students in our School. Our Psychologists adopt a strengths based approach to support students to meet their goals and to flourish in their lives. Students can consult our Psychology team concerning an issue they may be encountering or, more typically, to help improve their academic, social, sporting or career outcomes. All appointments are treated as confidential and are usually arranged during school hours.

Primary students would normally seek support from our Psychologists through their classroom teacher or parent. Secondary students can contact our Psychologists directly or through liaising with their Head of House or Home Group teacher. Parents are also able to contact our Psychologists directly using the contacts below.


School Chaplain

The School is currently recruiting for a new Chaplain. Should you wish to speak about using the School Chapel for a service, please contact our Chief Financial Officer Mr Yale Bolto on (08) 9722 6010 or email, who can assist.


School Nurse

Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School employs a full-time School Nurse in order to provide exceptional care to our students should they become ill or injured. Our School Nurse is responsible for an array of objectives including acute care, prevention of injuries, management of existing injuries, health awareness and promotion, emotional support, and the provision of information and equipment to deal with potential accidents and incidents.

During the day our School Nurse is based at the Health Centre found in Unit 11 of the Marie Palmer Boarding Block. Each weekday morning the School Nurse visits Boarding between 7.30am to 8.30am to touch base with students who have existing medical issues or to check on anyone who may have become ill overnight.

Our School Nurse is a wonderful contributor to the School community, getting to know many families and endeavouring to help students through health issues, minor and severe, and promoting the development of a healthy student in collaboration with both families and outside health agencies. Our School Nurse provides students with simple health care from band aids and ice packs right through to a friendly, professional ear when liaising with parents to help students to get back on track.

To support our School in providing the best health care for your child, parents are encouraged to ensure student health details are updated via the Consent2Go platform. Should your child require regular medication while at School please complete the relevant form and return to the School Nurse:

Relevant fact sheets are provided for the information of parents and students:


School Tours

