Curriculum and Exam Information


Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School provides students with a wide variety of subjects to choose from. We support students in their learning journey from Kindergarten all the way through to graduation. Students can study a wide variety of academic courses, we cater for students who wish to study ATAR or general courses.

The School Home Learning Policy provides parents with an overview of the expected homework and study required for each Secondary year level. More detailed information about individual course selection is available in the Course Selection Handbooks.

In 2024, the School will transition to a new Secondary Curriculum and whole school Timetable structure. Hear from the Heads of School, Secondary and Primary about these changes in our video and you can view the new curriculum outline for secondary in the link below.

Secondary Curriculum 2024

Academic Talent Development

Our approach to talent development encompasses a set of enrichment and extension opportunities formulated into a comprehensive program which reflects current best practice in the education of gifted learners. The program’s strength lies in its capacity to individualise and tailor learning opportunities to the interests and developmental needs of students as they progress through the School. Features of our specialised and well resourced Talent Development Program include:

  • A whole School approach focusing on the developmental needs of gifted students at different phases of education
  • A robust and comprehensive identification procedure with the capacity for continual refinement, monitoring and tracking each individuals progress
  • Classroom based curriculum extension
  • Involvement in nationally and internationally recognised competitions and programs
  • Enriched curriculum opportunities to promote independent learning and develop interests and passions, including co-curricular activities and clubs
  • Ability grouping to allow students of like-minds to work together within a rigorous academic program
  • Personalised pacing of learning so that individuals may access higher level curriculum content.

For more detailed information about these programs, please contact the Head of Primary or Mrs Naomi Smith (Secondary). If you would like to nominate for your child to be part of the Secondary program, please complete our online form.

Medical and Allied Health Pathway Program

Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School provides a Medical & Allied Health Pathway Program specifically for Senior Secondary students (Years 10 to 12). The program encourages and educates students aspiring to a career in the medical sciences. Opportunities through the program will include:

  • Guest speakers to educate and inspire members of the program
  • Skills sessions offered at School to develop practical competencies such as suturing, infection control and strapping
  • Excursions to various medical institutions and providers
  • Partnership for each student with a suitable mentor through the three year program
  • Support and guidance for applications and career pathways
  • Opportunities to participate in health-related community events

Parents or guardians of student participants should complete the Parent Permission form for your child to be part of the Senior Secondary Program. Students will also need to complete an application form. This is available within the Program’s Information Booklet.

The program welcomes expressions of interest from parents who are in the medical and allied health fields and wish to participate in the program as mentors. For further details on the program, please contact Mrs Kathy Chiera.

Educational Support

At Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School, we cater for students of all abilities and treat each student as an individual with their own unique strengths, aptitudes, interests, challenges and aspirations. For students who find their academic work difficult we offer a range of support services, including Educational Assistants who work alongside students in the classroom to support and help students to fully access the curriculum. Students also have access to our School Psychologists who can assist with organising assessments and providing additional support.

In our Primary School, the classroom teacher, in conjunction with Education Assistants, the School Psychologist, Deputy Head of Teaching and Learning and Head of Primary, is the best individual to oversee the education of your child. Small group support is provided by Educational Assistants with Special Needs training, as well as the Primary Leadership team. Within Secondary, a Special Educational Needs teacher, Mrs Roxanne Wilson, is available to work alongside students with special needs and their parents. Should a parent have concerns about the academic progress of their child, please contact the student’s class teacher in the first instance (in Primary) or please contact Mr David White, Director of Studies in Secondary.

Exam Information

Examinations are held at all Secondary levels from Year 7 to Year 12. Examination timetables are available in the documents section of SEQTA and posted in the weeks prior to each exam period.

Academic Support

There is a range of support that is available to students, including access to School Psychologists and attendance at tutorials provided by staff. Please view the detailed information on the Student Support page.

Connect Technologies

The Connect Agreement is an agreement between the School, the student and parents about the use of digital technology. Each child in secondary is provided with a one-to-one device that is loaned for the duration of their education. In Primary, students have access to a tablet device, that is available to support learning at home, when remote learning is required. The School acknowledges the importance of technology in the future workplace, and staff strive to provide a balance for students in the usage of their devices.


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