
From the start of their learning journey, our students are introduced to the sound of music. They are taught how to read music, play an instrument and are given the opportunity to perform as part of a choir or ensemble.

Students can elect to pursue music studies as part of the curriculum or take music tuition lessons from a wide range of accomplished and experienced visiting tutors. For full details of our tutors and the range of tuition available please download our music program information. If you would like to register your child for music tuition, please complete the online form. For a full list of music activities available to students, view the attached Musical activities 2024.

Instrumental Music Lessons

If you have registered your child for instrumental music lessons, please note that music lessons are changed weekly, so that students are not missing the same classes. Their lesson time is available on their timetable in SEQTA.

Secondary Choir

All students are invited to join the Secondary Choir. Students from all year groups, of all abilities and experience, are welcome. Come along and participate in happy music-making in a supportive and friendly environment.

When: Monday, lunch times (11.55am)
Where: Auditorium

Students currently taking vocal lessons are strongly encouraged to join the choir, to reinforce concepts taught in lessons, to gain opportunities for performance and to experience making music with others. Instrumentalists are also encouraged to join; singing helps develop aural and musicianship skills which will undoubtedly lead to improvements in performance. Students without previous experience of singing or choir are very welcome to join us – why not come along and have some fun!

For more information regarding music tuition or programs, please email our Music Department.


School Tours

