Cultural Exchanges

Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School offers students a range of cultural exchanges to countries and cities that we have developed long term partnerships with. Students can also participate in individual exchanges as part of the Round Square program. Details for these exchange opportunities are available on the Round Square page. These Exchange programs will recommence as soon as international travel it is allowed and is safe to do so.

Setagaya Japan  Exchange Program

Our School has a reciprocal relationship with Bunbury’s Sister City Setagaya, Japan. Families can now apply to be part of this program in 2020. Students from Japan will travel to Bunbury and stay with a School host family in September for two weeks. In January 2021 our students then have the opportunity to spend time in Japan for three weeks.

This is a wonderful exchange program, offering our families the unique opportunity to learn about the Japanese culture and to be ambassadors for our School and Bunbury. Our students will travel to Japan in January 2021 and experience Japanese culture, see snow, ride a bullet train, eat Japanese food and also visit sites of historical importance such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka and Hiroshima. Students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 may apply to become a part of this wonderful program.


Reunion Island Exchange

Our School supports our students to attend the Western Australia Reunion Island Student Exchange Program. This exchange provides students with extended in-country experience in a part of France (situated in the Indian Ocean) where they are able to experience French language and culture in a host family situation. They are supported by Australian and French teachers, who accompany the exchange each way. An independent committee of French teachers in Western Australia runs the exchange, which has been offered to students for 36 years. The exchange is open to students who study French in Years 9 to 12 from all schools in Western Australia.

Participation in the exchange requires the student to live with a family for four weeks in Reunion Island in July and to host a student for four weeks from December to January. A student may host before or after they complete their stay at Reunion Island. Whilst at Reunion Island, students do not attend school. Both exchange components fall in the school holidays, and therefore, the exchange becomes a whole family experience, and thanks to technology, often families become great friends as well.


School Tours

