Clubs and activities

There are a number of club activities in which students may be involved. Costs will vary depending on the nature of the activity. We anticipate the following clubs/activity classes will be offered during 2024. Interested students should contact the staff member responsible for the activity to gain further information.

Primary Activities

The Primary School run different clubs during Terms 1 to 4. These clubs are generally held from 3.30pm to 4.30pm and commence in Week 2 of each term. Information regarding the types of clubs available, and the days they run, is sent home at the beginning of each term.

Music Activities

For all music activities available to students, please see the attached Musical activities 2024
Contact: Mrs Lynette Fahie

Art Club (Years 7 to 12)

The club operates one afternoon per week, 3.30pm to 5.00pm.
Cost: Nil
Contact: Miss Caitlyn Oberg

Primary Sewing Club

Numbers are limited due to the availability of sewing machines.
Contact: Ms Nikki Van Rhyn

Robotics Club

Thursday 3.30 to 4.30pm, in T8.
Contact: Ms Keren Claassen

Writers’ Club (Years 8 to 12)

This group meets weekly over lunch and provides the opportunity for students who have advanced writing and thinking skills to share ideas with their peers, to extend their writing competencies, and to participate in regional, state and national writing competitions. Further information will be available early in Term 1 next year.
Cost: Nil
Contact: Mrs Tina Maree

Debating/Public Speaking (Years 7 to 12)

The School is involved in Public Speaking competitions and debating, where available participants meet for training and preparation opportunities to enter such events. These events are advertised within the School as they arise.
Cost: Nil
Contact: Mrs Naomi Smith

Duke of Edinburgh Ignite Award (Years 7 to 8)

This award is available to all students from Year 7 to 8. Students record achievements in four areas against a set of personally set targets. The areas are Expeditions, Community Service, Skills and Physical Recreation.
Cost: $100.00 Registration Fee
Contact: Mr Jeremy Potter

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme (Years 9 to 12)

This award is available to all students from Year 9 onwards. The award scheme is internationally recognised. Students record achievements in four areas against a set of personally set targets. The areas are Expeditions, Community Service, Skills and Physical Recreation.
Cost: $163.00 Bronze Award / $189.00 Silver Award / $210.00 Gold Award
Contact: Mrs Roxanne Wilson

Woodworking and Metalwork

An afterschool workshop class is offered through the Design & Technology Centre on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings for students in Years 9 to 12 that are enrolled in a workshop-based course. To keep workshop space free for Year 11 and 12 students, this class is limited to 10 students from Years 9 to 10. Students in Years 9 to 12 studying workshop-based subjects will have access to the workshop after School on these evenings at no cost. However, they will be required to supply their own material or pay a charge towards the use of materials from the School stocks if they choose to make additional projects that have not been set through normal class time.
Cost: Charges for any additional projects outside course work
Contact: Mr John Poller

SCUBA Club (Years 10 to 12)

The Club organises dives courses and dives through a local company. Optional dive trips may be organised on weekends and during some school holidays, if appropriate operators are available.
Cost: On application
Contact: Mr Robert Brooksbank

Swimming Squad – Primary (Years 3 to 6)

Students must have attained a minimum of Level 5 in Vac Swim to attend. The squad trains on three afternoon per week.
Monday 4.00pm to 5.00pm – Mrs Holdman and Mr Murray
Tuesday 4.00pm to 5.00pm – Mr Murray
Wednesday 4.00pm to 5.00pm – Mrs Holdman and Mr Murray
Cost: $120.00 per semester (TBC)
Contact: Mr Kelby Murray

Swimming Squad – Secondary (Years 7 to 12)

The Secondary Swim Squad trains three mornings each week. Students must have attained a minimum of Level 5 in Vac Swim to attend.
Cost: $150.00 per semester (TBC)
Contact: Miss Natalie Ferrier

Basketball Basics

Thursday afternoon from 3:30pm- 4:30pm in the Multi- Purpose Hall.
Contact: Mrs Susan Bancroft


School Tours

