Welcome to our Boarding students and parents. As the first co-educational Boarding School to be opened in Western Australia, we have a wealth of experience in supporting our Boarding students to flourish.
Students and families should make themselves familiar with the content of the Boarding Handbook; it not only contains important contact information but outlines the responsibilities and expectations of Boarding Students at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School.
Other important information for Boarding Families include:
Recommended provisions for Boarding
Boarding away from home allowance
Authority to charge account
Short Term Boarding
During the week, we welcome several day students into our Boarding community. These students join us for meals, prep and are able to participate in after School sport or activities with the convenience of staying at School for the night or the evening. To book a Boarding Stopover or Sleepover please complete the online form. All bookings must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
Contact Details
Parents are encouraged to keep in touch with staff, whose details are listed below.
Families are asked to submit weekend leave requests through REACH by the Thursday prior. This is important for staffing and catering arrangements.
Head of Boarding | Justin Forbes justin.forbes@bcgs.wa.edu.au 0417 185 780 |
Residential Year Group Co-ordinator |
Josh Williams josh.williams@bcgs.wa.edu.au 0417 017 381 |
Residential Year Group Co-ordinator |
Caroline Cooper
caroline.cooper@bcgs.wa.edu.au 0408 694 654 |
Residential Year Group Co-ordinator |
Linda McDonald
0404 886 590 |
Duty Staff Mobile Number |
0429 206 178 0427 662 341 |