Camps and Excursions

The School runs experiential learning camps for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Information for each camp will be available prior to departure. Permission and/or medical information updates will be requested by the School via Consent2Go. 

Medications on Excursions and Camps: all students requiring medication to be administered on a camp or excursion need to have a Medications on BCGS Camps – Information and Form completed on their behalf and provided to the School. This form is to be completed in addition to any requested by outside organisations (such as those completed for the Year 9 Camp / OEG or the Year 10 Camp / Outward Bound).

Camp Equipment: The School strongly recommends parents purchase the recommended standard equipment (waterproof jacket, synthetic sleeping bag, sleeping mat, sleeping bag liner) through our preferred supplier, One Planet. Each of these recommended items have been reviewed and are ideally suited for students to participate in the Experiential Learning Camps program we provide. These items are required for most secondary camps and for some primary camps. To review the recommended items please visit the One Planet Camplist website. Note the waterproof jacket will be branded and can be worn by students during wet weather to and from School.

Camp Dates

Kindergarten Apple Fun Park morning, Donnybrook (day camp) 5 December 2025
Pre-primary Perth (day camp) 29 October 2025
Year 1 and 2 Margaret River 16 to 17 October 2025 Parent information letter

Camp Program

Gear list

Year 3 Pemberton 27 to 29 May 2025 Year 3 Parent Information

Year 3 Camp Program

Year 3 Camp Gear List

Year 4 Dryandra 24 to 27 June 2025 Year 4 Camp Experiential Learning

Year 4 Parent Information

Gear List

Administration Of Medicine Form

Dryandra Woodland Brochure

Year 5 Woodman Point 18 to 21 November 2-25 Camp program

Parent information letter

Clothing and gear list

Medication form

Year 6 Canberra 15 to 22 August 2025 Parent Information

Clothing list

Canberra Itinerary 2024

Administration of Medicine Form

Year 7


Busselton 5 to 7 February 2025 Year 7 Orientation Camp Overview

Year 7 Camp Letter to Parents

Year 7

(Experiential Learning)


Camp 1: 21 to 24 September 2025

Camp 2: 24 to 26 September 2025

Year 7 Experiential Learning Camp Overview

Year 7 Experiential Learning Program

Letter to parents with equipment list

Permission form for alternative pick up/drop off

Medications on BCGS Camps

Year 8 Mornington 2 to 5 September 2025 Year 8 Camp Overview

Year 8 Camp- Letter to Parents

Year 9 Karridale OEG 4 to 9 May 2025 Year 9 Camp Overview

Packing List

BCGS Experiential Learning Year 9 Camp Parent Letter

Transport alternatives – Year 9 Parent Letter

Year 10 Walpole Outward Bound 2 to 11 April 2025 Year 10 Camp Overview

Packing List

Outward Bound Participant Consent and Medical Information Form

BCGS Experiential Learning Year 10 camp parent letter

Kathmandu GEAR UP BCGS Year 10

Year 11 Perth
Year 12


Year 11 and 12 Student Executive Ball 5 April 2025 Purchase Tickets

Student Executive Ball Guidelines

Outside Partner Application Form

Year 12 Class of 2025 Soiree TBC Purchase Tickets


School Tours



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