Parent Ambassador Program

The School values the connections it has with our students, their parents and the wider community. We also value the connection our families have with those who are not in the School community and wish to provide our parents with information they can share with their wider network, when discussing the School.

Our Parent Ambassador Program provides current parents, who are passionate about the School the opportunity to meet with Executive Staff and be provided information about programs, events and activities that they can share with their network. Parent Ambassadors will also be invited to provide feedback in relation to activities or programs the School is planning to run.

For more information about the Parent Ambassador Program and what is involved, please download the information sheet.

During Term 2, we welcomed our Parent Ambassadors to our first session, where the Head of School provided an overview over of what makes our School great and some key messages for our Ambassadors to share. During Term 3, the Head of School was pleased to provide Parent Ambassadors with information about the reduced and restructured fee structure for 2021. To assist parents in communicating this information, download the information sheet- Why Choose BCGS?

We also asked our students, what they like most about BCGS- watch the video that feature students from Kindergarten to Year 12.

If you would like to nominate to be a Parent Ambassador, please contact the Marketing and Community Relations Manager.


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