Parents and Friends

The Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Parents and Friends’ Association (P&F) invites all parents to participate in and contribute to a host of School-related activities.

In our schools 50th year the P&F was proud to donate $50,000 towards the installation of the fourth Music Pod.  This will complete a portion of the performing arts precinct. It will also facilitate the renovation of the lower portion of the Auditorium building to create a new classroom space and in the future a rejuvenation of the front of the building with a new foyer, additional classroom and staff room. One donation, part of a much larger picture.

Funds were also donated for the creation of the student executive mindfulness garden, the realisation of the early childhood stream project, the purchase of two outdoor table tennis tables and other sporting equipment to be used during school breaks.

Annually we contribute towards speech day prizes for both primary and secondary, provide funds towards memory gifts for our leaving Year 12 students, celebrate Mother’s and Father’s Day, provide refreshments at athletics carnivals and cross-country events, facilitate parent dinners and get togethers.

Our Committee is keen and eager, but as always, needs the support of all our parents. We invite parents to join us at our meetings, come to events and enjoy the community spirit of the School. We encourage you to volunteer, participate and become an active member of our School community.

Please click here to complete our volunteer sign up form, to register your interest in being able to assist with events.

The P&F appreciate all input and support.

The P&F Statement of Purpose is:

  1. To promote the School as an organisation for its continued work with educating our children. We will do this by supporting any aspects of the Marketing team and School Executive that promote the value of education at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School.
  2. To promote the sense of community within the School. We will do this by supporting and organising, as appropriate, functions and other events that facilitate the coming together of the School community – parents, extended family, children, staff – to enjoy each other’s company, share ideas and work together for the betterment of the School.
  3. To assist the students within the School community to achieve their goals and grow as a whole person to be all that they can be.

The committee is made up of parents from both Primary and Secondary, and meetings are open to all parents. They are held in the Bovell Meeting Room each month commencing at 5.30pm. Meetings run for one hour. The committee can be contacted by emailing

Individual Activities or Projects

If you have a group participating in a project or activity that will benefit the School Community and you would like financial support from the P&F we invite you submit our online application. Application details will be shared with School Administration and will be assessed by the P&F Finance Committee. Please allow at least six weeks for your application to be reviewed.

Complete P&F funding application


President   Clare Kirke
Senior Vice-President No nominations
Junior Vice-President No nominations
Treasurer Sarah Beaton
Secretary Sharna Gallager-Baird
Merchandise Officer Danielle Watson
Social Co-ordinator (Lower Primary) No nominations
Social Co-ordinator (Upper Primary) No nominations
Social Co-ordinator (Secondary) Lizelle Gers
Board of Governors Representative Rachel Lanagan
Catering Co-ordinators Aaron Gallagher-Baird
Ordinary Committee Members
Karen Kelly
Christiane Melville
Catherine Grant
Dan’yelle Blythe
Courtney Brennan
Jacinta Cover

P&F Documents

2025 Meeting Dates

Monday 10 February 2025, 5.30pm


Monday 31 March 2025, 5.30pm
Monday 12 May 2025, 530pm
Monday 9 June 2025, 5.30pm
Monday 11 August 2025, 5.30pm
Monday 15 September 2025, 5.30pm
Monday 27 October 2025, 5.30pm




Please check the School Calendar to confirm the dates for events.


School Tours

