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Music is for Everyone

Music ensembles are the beating heart of any school. They often provide a safe space for students to work together, without competition, to create something truly magical.

These are some comments from members of various Primary ensembles:

Year 3 String Ensemble

When I play it makes me happy because I like the sound of everyone playing :: Sam

It’s really fun to play the violin with my friends :: Tilly

The music makes me feel calm :: Aayden

You learn lots of new things :: Isobel

Primary Choir

Choir is silly in the best way possible, and it makes me look forward to Fridays :: Connor

Choir is fun and you can see friends from across the school :: Morris

Choir is super fun and I like to hear tips from my teacher :: Fletcher

Primary Steel Bands

Steel Band is fun and a good time to catch up with friends :: Alyssa

It’s a great opportunity to experience playing a different instrument being able to perform :: Mali and Emily

It’s fun to play steel pans and we get cake! :: William

Primary String Ensemble

It gave me incentive to practise to improve my violin playing :: Mrs Holdman

It is a great way to catch up with friends and and I get to hang out with some of my favourite teachers and learn new things :: Elizabeth

I like playing cello and making people laugh with my different mascots :: Kian

The magic of music ensembles – people of all ages sat beside each other, people of all backgrounds sat beside each other, all working together to achieve a common goal and a common beauty. There really isn’t anything else like it” – Vaughan Fleischfresser

Mrs Rachel Holmes :: Primary Performing Arts Specialist


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