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Mentors help guide students

Each year, Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School invites a range of professionals to come and meet with our Senior students, so they can learn more about particular career paths and opportunities.

The Career’s Breakfast was held last Friday, and students were able to learn more about pathways and employment prospects across 11 different professions. This is a valuable event for our students as they start to consider what they might like to do when they finish school.

For Indi, the morning was valuable and enabled her to see a clearer pathway, thanks to mentors Inzwie Murapata & Somayya Mamsa from Legal Aid. “I sat on one of the law tables and it was great to talk to someone who has hands-on experience in the field. I was able to learn more about what studying law at university looks like and the variety that is available within the profession.”

Sara enjoyed hearing about the experiences or projects that you might be involved in from mentor Sam Brown, of H+H Architecture. “It was great to hear about what the work environment looks like and the different experiences our mentor had working in the field.”

Toby met with the Physiotherapy mentor, Amy Lamb, who shared more information about pathways. “It was great to hear the different pathway options available, from what type of ATAR you need, to also how to follow a Certificate or General pathway. She also shared some ideas on work to do while at university, that complement your studies, such as massage.”

Zara discovered from Jackie Wells that midwifery is quite a demanding role but can be very enjoyable. “I learnt more about the actual job and the mentor shared that it can be very hard, but, if you are passionate about it, it is very enjoyable.”

Thank you to all the mentors who joined us on Friday morning and shared their experiences.

  • Accounting – Sarah Beaton (Marlston Forrest)
  • Wealth Creation – Asher Vukelic (Vine Collective)
  • Environmental Science – Andrew Fry (Western Environmental)
  • Physiotherapy – Amy Lamb (Koombana Physiotherapy)
  • Midwifery – Jackie Wells (WACHS)
  • Sonography – Amy Twist (WACHS)
  • Nursing – Tjirra Evans (WACHS)
  • Architecture – Sam Brown (H+H Architecture)
  • Engineering – Alan Carpenter, Sophie Starr, Kate Baker (Monadelphous)
  • Cybersecurity – Stephen Easton (Albermarle)
  • Law – Inzwie Murapata & Somayya Mamsa (Legal Aid)
  • Medicine/General Practice – Denise Arnold (Dayellup Family Medical Practice)
  • Veterinary Science – Alyssa Frost (Bunbury & Eaton Vet)
  • Carpentry – Derek Wilkes & Luc Perkins (Perkins Builders)


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