Late Afternoon Bus Travelling South Booking Form

Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School is offering a late bus servicing Bovell, Vasse and Seymour in 2025. This service would be free for students already registered to use our private buses. For those not registered, a casual fare of $9 would apply. Casual bookings need to be made direct with the Finance office to ensure a seat is available. Please note that last minute requests may not always be able to be accommodated.

Please note that arrival times may vary due to traffic conditions. Parents/guardians are required to arrive at the pickup point before the scheduled drop-off time to prevent delays in bus times.

"*" indicates required fields

Stops and Times*
Select Day(s)*
Term(s) selected for booking*

Student Travellers

Please provide the name and year group of each child (plus the day) that will be travelling on the bus. ie. John Smith, Year 8, Mondays // Jane Smith, Year 10, Wednesdays
Student Name(s), Year Level & Day required*
Are you currently registered for School Bus Services?*
Parent / Guardian Name*
Clear Signature


School Tours

