Kindergarten Parent Authorisation for Regular Outing – within BCGS Campus

As part of our educational program, we conduct regular visits to the Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Campus, including but not limited to attending specialised classes such as language, physical education, visiting the library, school garden or chapel, dance and drama classes, visual art classes, music classes, health education, accessing the open Atelier Area and outdoor place space during the year. These outings are within walking distance from the Bunbury Cathedral Grammar Education and Care Centre and provide valuable opportunities for children to explore the wider community and extend their learning and their belonging in our wider school community. A detailed risk assessment and management plan has been conducted to protect children from any harm or hazard likely to cause injury. This is available at the Bunbury Cathedral Grammar Education and Care reception area upon request. Educators will always monitor and supervise children against an accurate attendance record.

Written authorisation is required by parents/guardians once each year to allow children to participate in the proposed regular outings. If any changes occur to the risk assessment, a new authorisation may be required.

Bunbury Cathedral Grammar Education and Care will notify parents when these regular outings occur unless it has already been indicated on the timetable. The notification will include the venue, the expected time of departure and the length of time we anticipate being away from the service. However, note that sometimes we might take the children on an impromptu visit, if we feel it would be of benefit for the children’s learning.

As part of our commitment to safeguarding the children at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar Education and Care, all children must:

  • wear shoes when attending these regular outings
  • have a water bottle to attend locations that do not have access to drinking water
  • wear their hat

We ask that parents send shoes, a water bottle and hat each day their child attends.

If required, sunscreen will be provided 20 minutes before the outing takes place.

Authorisation for Regular Outing

Name of Service Bunbury Cathedral Grammar Education and Care
Room name Kindy Room Proposed number of children 20 Educator to child ratios 1:10
Regular outing venue Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Campus
Address 5 Allen Road Gelorup WA 6230
Mode of transport Walking
Proposed activities Conduct regular visits to the Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Campus, including but not limited to attending specialised classes such as language, physical education, visiting the library, school garden or chapel, dance and drama classes, visual art classes, music classes health education, accessing the open Ateliar Area and outdoor space during the year
Supervising staff/educators attending Kindy teacher and/or specialised teacher and educational assistant


Child Name
Parent/Guardian Name(Required)
Clear Signature
DD slash MM slash YYYY


Education and Care National Regulations 102- Authorisations for excursions

  • the approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that a child being educated and cared for by the service is not taken outside the education and care service premises on an excursion (or regular outing) unless written authorisation has been provided
  • if the excursion is a regular outing, the authorisation is only required once in a 12-month period


School Tours

