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Fremantle author inspires young writers

Secondary students had the opportunity to hone their creative writing skills with visiting author, AJ Betts.

Ms Betts, who has been running these sessions with students for about 15 years, always looks forward to personal the interactions she has with them, especially with those who have enjoyed her book. “It was really lovely, as writing can be a very lonely and long experience, so to have real people affected by my stories, it makes me think it is worth it,” said Ms Betts.

The Fremantle-based author really wants the students to see that anyone can write a book saying, “I want them to see that being creative does not require some magical ability – it is something they all can do. And not to be scared of the creative process, just be observant, curious, ask questions.”

Year 11 student, Lucy, has been a fan of Ms Bett’s books. “I think the way she writes is very in-depth and she exposes a lot of different concepts – it is not just a love story, and she will write about the pressures of high school and of being in teenager or exploring the classes in the way our society works. It is more than just like a Science Fiction or a Young Adult book,” said Lucy.

Our Year 8 students who are actually studying her novel, Hive, were privileged to learn more about the way she researches and develops her worlds in her dystopian novels. The students were excited to hear that she will be releasing a new book, One Song, which she also provided them some insight into.

When asked of her personal advice for young aspiring writers, Ms Betts says, “Have fun, do not think about what other people are going to say, write things that just interests you and just keep it to yourself and have a fun time. That is the most important thing really, and trust that if you enjoy it, other people will as well.”


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