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Enthusiastic students learn from Award-winning children’s author

Students from schools across the South West had the opportunity to work with and learn from, Perth-based author Cristy Burne, during the Young Writers Collective held at our School.

150 students had the opportunity to improve their writing skills working on the intersection of story, science, technology and creativity, while diving deep into the mind of the internationally published writer. Ms Burne’s intention during these workshops is to encourage the students to try.

“I want the children to have fun when they write, but I also have the hidden agenda of trying to get them to be freer and less afraid. There is a huge pressure to be perfect in everything they do, with how they act, how they look and how they do sport. I want kids to try, and think of the worst thing that can happen, and if the worst thing does happen then that is okay, because they are strong enough to overcome it. When you are a writer, you have complete control which many kids do not have in their life, such as what they wear, what they eat, what they do.”

The Young Writers’ collective, supported by The Literature Centre, aims to inspire young students to write. “I went to the Young Writers Collective once before and it was really fun so I decided to go again,” said Year 6 Hugo Bolto.

Students were enthusiastic about Ms Burne’s visit, “It’s been really good, and Cristy is so funny!” said Year 6 student, Jasmin Underdown.


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