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Curious students learn how to write poetry from WA Author

 Students from schools across the South West had the opportunity to work with and learn from poet, academic, educator and children’s author, Sally Murphy, during the Young Writers’ Collective held at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School last week.

Students learnt how to write and use poetry in different texts, a new writing skill for many, “The exercises were fun because they were new and different, and I was able to learn how to write poetry,” stated Year 8, Toni.

“I liked learning the different methods of writing, and I liked the exercise where we wrote about our hometown, I wrote about Dunsborough,” said Year 7, Kai.

The Young Writers’ workshops are for students who enjoy writing, and provides them the chance to explore and practice different creative writing skills, “Students need to have an interest in writing independently, and as a published writer, we are able to give them new skills, and also an insight into what a writing career might look like,” said Sally.

While there is a great desire amongst young people to become published writers, Sally believes it is important to not be overly overoptimistic about the profession, “I think it is okay to be realistic about a career choice as an author. Have an understanding, that not everyone gets published and not everyone makes a million dollars for being a writer, but, that if you love something you can do it whether it is a hobby or whether it is a career,” she stated.

The students enjoyed the workshops and have now equipped themselves with yet another writing skill, “I learnt how to use poetry when writing any English text. I think everyone should get into writing!” said Year 8, Charlie.


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