
School buses

As one of the leading Boarding Schools in WA, we understand the importance of providing a safe environment for our boarding school students. This extends to their travel before and after School. Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School has a dedicated fleet of buses used to transport students, with specific vehicles available for the Boarding School.

Qualified staff

The BCGS Boarding Buses and other transport, are all driven by staff with the appropriate qualifications, and who regularly work in Boarding. They know our Boarding School students and are familiar with the weekly routines and activities that boarding students participate in. Each day, students are transported to any after School activities, mainly located within the City of Busselton and collected at the end of the activity.

Appointments made easy

During the School day, staff can be available to assist with transporting boarding school students to medical or other required appointments. Parents are requested to liaise with the Head of Boarding when booking appointments.

Boarding Bus

Getting to and from Bunbury Cathedral Grammar Boarding School is made easy with the provision of a Boarding bus. The bus is available at the start and end of each term and during mid-term breaks.  As timetables fluctuate depending upon the number of Boarders using the service, our Head of Boarding will advise Boarding parents of timetables as each long weekend or holiday approaches. This is an optional service available to parents and a nominal charge will be included in the relevant terms fee.



School Tours

