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Boarding in Bunbury- Community and Mateship

To celebrate National Boarding Week, we asked Head Boarder, Sienna Guidi and Associate Head Boarder Harriet Talbot, to reflect on the start of their final year as part of our Boarding Community.

It was a great to start the year with quite few new Boarders joining us. It is awesome to see how friendly and welcoming all the Boarders are and to see the friendship groups expand. One of the key things that has helped everyone get to know each other is our theme of ‘CONNECT’. This has allowed all students, staff, and the Gap Year students to bond and get to know each other better. We have been very lucky to be able to do some great activities already this year, such as a day trip to Adventure World in Perth, playing a big hide-and-seek game down the back of Palmer Oval, watching the Hockeyroos play against China in Bunbury and many more. My focus during Term 1 was the Boarding Jumpers. I came up with a simple design this year and the Boarders were happy with it. They arrived at the start of Term 2, just as the cooler weather arrived! It has been a good first semester back at school for 2023 and I look forward to the rest of the year as the Boarding Executive have some great ideas planned.” :: Harriet Talbot

“It was great to come back into Boarding with a fresh new look as just about all of the units had been refurbished, looking nicer than ever. Term 1 was an exciting one with trips to Adventure World, a Greek and American themed dinner night, trips to Busselton and an Australian food cooking night to show our Gap Year students a little taste of Australian classics. Thanks to Harriet, who designed and ordered our Boarding Jumpers for this year, the design is a plain and simple one which everyone really liked. The 2023 Boarding Executive has already come up with a few different ideas for the year to come including; more dinner theme nights, themed socials, shopping trips to Mandurah and Perth and ideas for this year’s Quiz Night.” :: Sienna Guidi


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