Academic Talent Development

At Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School, our model of learning and culture of care supports the transformation of natural abilities into developed skills. We appreciate that highly able students require a specific set of academic and social circumstances in order for their gifts to become talents and, as such, model our gifted education on a Talent Development Model.  This model allows for a diverse selection criteria that does not solely rely on normative, formal testing and provides an opportunity for us to consider school grades and teacher recommendations as a part of the identification process.


Our Primary School offers a wide variety of extension opportunities for gifted students. Starting in the classroom, our teachers are skilled in designing targeted learning programs which aim to develop the unique capabilities of each child. Teachers work in consultation with the Deputy Head of Primary- Teaching and Learning to develop rigorous educational programs, which may include ability groupings, extension lessons in given subject areas and modified class programs.

Within the Early Childhood Years (Kindergarten through to Year 2), each class has a designated Education Assistant to help deliver the curriculum, whether this be to extend or support the students. Generally, student needs will be catered for within the classroom setting through differentiated tasks and a variety of learning activities.

The Primary Academic Talent Co-ordinator works with students and teaching staff throughout the Primary School to ensure critical thinking skills and deeper learning is embedded within our teaching practices, in both the Literacy and Numeracy learning areas. Additionally, students in Year 5 and Year 6 may be invited to join the Philosophy and Ethics Club that takes place each week after school.

All students in Year 3 to Year 6 are exposed to a weekly mathematical problem-solving session. Selected students in these year groups will be invited to participate in competitions such as Maths Explorer, Maths Olympiad, Have Sum Fun, and the da Vinci Decathlon. There is also the opportunity for selected students in upper primary to be immersed in intensive English workshops during the course of the year.

Further challenge and extension possibilities for Primary Students are delivered through competitions and clubs such as:  Tournament of Minds, Robotics, Writer’s Collective/Author incursions, Science Discovery Day, Oral Language Assessment, Speakers’ Challenge, Choir, Strings Ensemble, Steel Pans, Brass and Wind program, Orchestra, Camps, Primary Production, and Round Square activities.


Our Secondary School provides an educational setting with very high academic standards and many classes are organised in ability groupings. We recognise that students are gifted in different domains and our classes are organised accordingly. Students mix with other highly able students in each subject area rather than being in the same class for all compulsory subjects.

Students will be invited to be part of the Secondary Academic Talent Development Program based on their academic performance and teacher recommendations. Students who are awarded academic scholarships are automatically invited, and students, once identified, will remain in the program throughout their secondary schooling. Our pastoral care program is second to none and students that are accepted into the Academic Talent Development program have the support of their home group teachers as well as our tertiary trained gifted education specialist.

Students in the Academic Talent Development program are invited to participate in competitions such as The Philosothon, Ethics Olympiad, Maths Olympiad and many more. As well as our extensive competition program students are also given opportunities to participate in a specific excursion program which includes visits to the theatre and sites of particular cultural interest.

Participation in both the Primary Honours Program and Secondary Academic Talent Development Program attract no additional charge. Parents will also receive invitations throughout the year to participate in workshops that will provide information on the traits of the highly able student and an opportunity to network with other parents.


School Tours

