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2022 Student Leaders

Year 12 students Paige Snelling, Charlie Youngson and Abby Crossland were elected by students and staff as the 2022 School Captains and Chairperson of the Student Executive.

As passionate and committed leaders, they look forward to a great year ahead, and to use their roles to serve the School and their peers.

“I am excited about being the Chairperson this year as there is many opportunities, I can be a part of in order to help the School,” said Abby.

“I am super excited to be making a difference in our School. This year’s Student Executive is a wonderful team and I am sure that we will be able to have a positive impact on our school community and strive to be great role models,” said Charlie.

This year the Executive has decided to focus their efforts on the environment and sustainability.

“Our Student Executive is really passionate about the environment and wants to make the School a more sustainable and environmentally friendly place. We have already started this by organising to get our leavers jackets made from completely recycled materials. This was super exciting for us as we feel it sends out a great message displaying our values and goals for the year,” said Paige.

“We have also organised with the School to switch to Who gives a Crap? toilet paper. This is 100% recycled toilet paper, and 50% of the proceeds go to providing developing countries with better sanitation and toilets,” added Paige.

In speaking of their experience at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School (BCGS), they have valued the supportive and inclusive atmosphere and the opportunities presented to them and look forward to promoting this environment through their role as well.

“What I love about BCGS is the many opportunities that we as students are given, and I also think that our School has a very safe and friendly environment for students like myself to work in,” said Abby.

“I think the tight-nit community, paired with fantastic teachers and most importantly, the awesome student body makes Bunbury Grammar a fabulous school and a home away from home. I feel so proud to be helping to lead our School into its 50th year anniversary and cannot wait to see what the year has to hold,” said Charlie.

“One thing I really love about the School is the connection the students are able to build with their teachers. I have found that having a smaller cohort allows us as students to get to know our teachers more personally creating a great learning environment. The School is also super open to our ideas and pushes us to think outside of the box, which provides us with endless opportunities. Overall, I really love the community we have here and feel very proud to be representing the School along with Charlie, Abby and the rest of the Student Executive in 2022,” concluded Paige.


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